Brand: Hastings Deering

    Sample kit suitable for comprehensive Diesel analysis. Sample kit suitable for basic Diesel analysis. Analysis included Elemental Analysis: Copper, Iron, Aluminium, Silicon, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Vanadium, Sulfur (%). Viscosity: @40 Degrees Celcius. Physical Testing: Colour (ASTM D1500), Density (gms/10L@15C), API Gravity, Visual Deposits. Karl Fischer Analysis: Water (ppm). Ferrous Content: PQ Index. Particle Count: ISO Cleanliness via ISO 4406.2, >4, >6, >10, >14, >18, >21, >38 and >50 Micron channel counts. Micro organisms:  Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
    Distillation: Temperature (Degrees Celcius) at 10%, 50%, 90% and 95% Distillation, Cetane Index.
    Lubricating Properties: Lubricity (ASTM D6079)
    Contaminants: Water and Sediment.
  • Diesel Analysis

    Fuel is probably the largest single expense faced by heavy equipment operators. It pays to ensure that the quality of the fuel you have purchased is up to the job. Contaminated fuel can reduce the engine performance and may cause abnormal or catastrophic wear in engine components such as fuel pumps and injectors. Diesel fuel testing ensures that you will not sacrifice power or reliability by using a sub-standard product. The program detects fuel deterioration and determines if inherent qualities fall within required limits. Areas of analysis include:
    • Elemental Analysis
    • Viscosity
    • Physical Testing
    • Karl Fischer Analysis
    • Ferrous Content
    • Particle Count
    • Micro organisms

    Brand: Hastings Deering

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